Professional association

I am a member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT). STAT was founded in 1958 with the objectives of ensuring high standards of teacher training and practice, and to promote public awareness of the Technique. It is the world’s oldest and largest professional body of Alexander Technique teachers.
All teaching members (MSTAT) have successfully completed a 3-year, full-time training course approved by the Society and have agreed to adhere to the Society’s published Code of Professional Conduct. We also hold professional indemnity insurance.
Visit the STAT website for further information on the Alexander Technique and a full list of accredited teachers.
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)

I am registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), which is the UK independent voluntary regulatory body set up, in the public interest, to regulate complementary health professionals.
As such, I conform to national professional standards of practice and have agreed to abide by the CNHC‘s Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics.
The Department of Health recommends consulting with an Alexander Technique teacher who is CNHC registered. Please check the CNHC register if you want to find other registered Alexander Technique teachers in your area. The Department of Health has also issued similar advice to GPs and Chief Nursing Officers, i.e. they should recommend patients who are seeking complementary therapies / interventions that are covered by the CNHC to consult with those practitioners who are CNHC-registered.
As well as being registered with the CNHC, I served as a Profession-specific Board Member for Alexander Technique teaching from 2014 to 2017, providing advice and input to the CNHC in matters relevant to the profession.
Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme membership
I hold a current PVG, Disclosure Scotland certificate for working with vulnerable adults and children.
Continuing professional development
I undertake very regular continuing professional development activities in order to be constantly deepening my understanding and keep my professional knowledge, skills and performance up-to-date and relevant to my field of practice. Particular fields of interest for me are chronic pain, trauma and hypermobility.
My research activities
I am the Chair of STAT’s Research Group. I was an active member of the study team for the randomised, controlled trial of Alexander lessons compared with usual GP care for people with chronic neck pain and was a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of York (2011-2018). My publications include several from the neck pain trial and a review on the effectiveness of Alexander Technique lessons.