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Carole’s story

Carole originally came for lessons because of back pain.

‘I am in my mid-fifties and have suffered from back pain for six years. Tests have shown this to be caused by disc and vertebrae deterioration in my lower back and there is no medical solution. The impact on my everyday life has been considerable and I have relied heavily on painkillers. My GP suggested trying the Alexander Technique when all other obvious possibilities had been exhausted.

Initially I visited Julia twice weekly, then weekly and now, nine months on, when I feel that extra support is needed -– it’s my comfort blanket. The Alexander Technique has not been a ‘quick fix’, improvement came gradually and now I am no longer so reliant on painkillers and flare-ups are less frequent.

The Alexander Technique is very different in approach to anything I have tried before. It has given me the tools to manage my life with more confidence and I am now much more self-aware. Many small day-to-day problems are no longer the same worry as I know either how to deal with them or how to avoid them. There is still improvement to be made and I intend to continue looking to the Alexander Technique for help, which is quite reassuring.’