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Jacqui’s story

Jacqui is a business analyst and began lessons mainly because of anxiety

‘I came to Julia because I was doing a desk job, struggling with anxiety, and not feeling very grounded in general. I was amazed at how quickly I started to become aware of my body, movement, and habits including regarding my posture and thinking. Julia worked from a very practical and mind and body, perspective, actively listening to help me with daily tasks or requests, such as working at a desk, stepping on and off a bus or going up stairs, etc. I also found that she was able to provide interesting ways of working with breathing and using  images or other ideas as part of the lessons, which weren’t at all ‘airy fairy’ – they actually helped to clarify and cement the physical/bodily elements of the Alexander Technique, which helped with my anxiety generally. I was never judged, found Julia to be friendly, professional, and astute in picking up on what I was asking or wanting to learn.

I am not someone that spends weekends on yoga retreats, or who generally has much time in my life for me. I work office hours, in a professional role, and I wasn’t sure what to expect at first…but despite my initial reticence, I have found this to be an extremely effective method, and have been really surprised at how quickly I’ve been able to integrate the teachings into my everyday life after just 6 lessons. For me it is a shame that the Alexander Technique isn’t more widely known in society. It is an extremely accessible, practical and powerful method. You couldn’t ask for a better teacher.’