Would you like to try a group session for an introduction to the Alexander Technique? – a restorative self-care, self-development practice for easier navigation of daily life.
A gentle start to the New Year 4 week course starting Thursday 30th January (7–8.30pm, £80)
If you ever get fed up with making New Year’s resolutions that turn out to be impossible to keep, why not try this introduction to the Alexander Technique? It’s a restorative self-care, self-development practice for easier navigation of daily life. In this course you will discover how to make some time and space to breathe and come back to yourself – a practical skill that you can take into your daily life to become less stressed and more effective.
All group activities are: Suitable for people of all ages and levels of health/fitness. No prior experience is necessary (but is also welcome).
Places are limited to a maximum of 6 people, so contact me to book, or to find out more (booking essential). Concessions available for unwaged.
The location is Edinburgh Alexander Training School, Joppa Road, Portobello.