We all need some active rest

Photo of action man figure lying on a yoga mat with his head resting on some books, doing Alexander active rest
Even action heroes need an Alexander lie-down

We can apply the Alexander Technique to every aspect of life, to make what we’re doing easier for us and often more enjoyable. But it’s also hugely beneficial to take some time out each day for our lying-down practice (often called ‘active rest’). In itself it is restorative, and it can also be a way of trying out some of our Alexander thinking and exploration – some of which we may be able to carry through to when we’re up and about.

It can often be helpful to have someone talk us through while we are doing our Alexander lying down, as a way of helping us stay more present and embodied. So, I’ve recorded another talk through here for you to try out.

If you want to download the talk through, just click on the three dots icon.

If you are new to this, you may want to read through this guidance before beginning.